243. A sea breeze is a wind _____ .
- Sea breeze is a wind ___ . A: that blows towards the sea at night B: that blows towards an island during a day C: caused by cold air descending a coastal incline D: caused by distant. approach of a hurricane
- A sea breeze(海风) is a wind ______________. A: that blows towards the sea at night B: caused by the distant approach of a hurricane day C: caused by cold air descending a coastal incline D: that blow towards an island during the day
- n. a gentle wind A: barber B: brandy C: breeze D: barrel
- 微风吹动花朵。英语翻译是_____ . A: A breeze stirred the flowers. B: A gale stirred the flowers. C: A strong wind stirred the flowers.
- 分析下面的C代码段: char str1[15]="Sea View"; char str2[15]="Sea Breeze"; strcpy(str1,str2); printf("%sn",str1); 则输出结果是( )