中国大学MOOC: Underline the part of the sentence that states a cause.Due to the ability of computers to keep records of sales and inventory, many big department stores rely on them.
- 中国大学MOOC: In the following topic sentence, which part is the reminder?A furtherdisadvantageis thetraffic problemsthat they cause in many cities and towns of the world.
- Pets are a big responsibility, so not many families keep them.
- 中国大学MOOC: Chinese immigrants to the United States brought many of traditional ideas and values with them, including the Confucian ________.
- 中国大学MOOC: 1. Which of the following words introduces the cause?Since carpools cut expenses, many commuters are joining them.
- Now you will hear a news report. At the end of the report, you will hear some questions. After you hear a question, choose the best answer from the four choices. [音频] A: Many department stores in the US are in trouble. B: Many department stores have better services now. C: Many department stores have attracted old people. D: Many department stores no longer display luxuries.