may have positive and negative connotations. ()
may have positive and negative connotations. ()
- According to the principle of effective market classification, the external balance schedule may have a ( ) slope. A: positive or negative B: positive C: negative D: none
- Image can have only ………….…integer pixel values, whereas grid can have………….…. and ………….….real and …….……..cell values.____ Negative, Negative, Positive, IntegerPositive, Negative, Negative, Integer ____ Positive, Positive, Negative, Int____ Negative, Positive, Positive, Realc
- Words that have positive connotative meaning in English may have ______ or neutral connotative meaning in Chinese.
- “Greedy, disgusting, appalling, vicious” all have negative connotations.
- The use of the new technology will have a (profound)____<br/>effect on schools. A: negative B: positive C: strong D: useful
- 0
You have to _ the positive and the negative aspects of all problems before making a decision.
- 1
中国大学MOOC: Positive words, such as “Thank you” and “pleasure” may help achieve positive customer contact.
- 2
There are strategies typically deal with threats or risk that may have negative impacts on project objectives if they occur,some other strategies are suggested to deal with risks with potentially positive impacts.() is a risk response strategy that may be adopted for either threats or opportunities.
- 3
According to the passage, talent shows have both positive and negative influence on young people.
- 4
An English word and a Chinese equivalent may have the same denotative meaning but different connotations. A: 正确 B: 错误