• 2022-06-14
    Do not let anyone steal your dreams, or stop your steps to follow your dreams.
  • 不要让任何人偷走你的梦想,也不要让他们阻止你追逐梦想的脚步。


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      In FORDsmall talk, you can talk about your dreams. What are dreams in the FORD method? A: What you see when you sleep. B: Your hopes and goals for the future. C: Your nightmares. D: Your fairy tale fantasies.

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      Always believe in your capacity to achieve, while keep your goals and dreams ________.

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      Everyone dreams. Most______ are beautiful. Our lives would be miserable without such ______ dreams. Some dreams will come true, but some won't. If you fail to ______ your dream, don't be too ______ . Dream another dream. Your life and ______ will go on.

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      If you take the first step, your dreams will come true.

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      2. Scientists believe dreams are about your past and future.