关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入!公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入!公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入! 2022-06-12 “羽扇纶巾” 最不贴切的英语表达是______。 A: calm and composed B: free from anxiety C: scarf and fan D: dressing for the scholars “羽扇纶巾” 最不贴切的英语表达是______。A: calm and composed B: free from anxiety C: scarf and fan D: dressing for the scholars 答案: 查看 举一反三 中国大学MOOC: “羽扇纶巾” 最不贴切的英语表达是______。 中国大学MOOC: 对“怒发冲冠”最不贴切的英语表达是______。 the state of being free from tension and anxiety noun, state of being free from suffering,pain,or anxiety 中国大学MOOC: the state of being free from tension and anxiety