• 2021-04-14
    What did the researchers find from the study of capuchin monkeys?
  • Capuchin monkeys punish monkeys that get more food.


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      What can you learn from the study that researchers made? _____ A: Researchers studied students of all levels. B: Researchers knew why students taking water into exam halls could improve their grades. C: The study was approved by all scientists. D: Researchers thought this study was important for younger students.

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      How many people did the researchers study to analyse the DNA of the human body? (  )

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      37. What is the finding of the study done by researchers in the US universities?

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      一篇完整的摘要需要包涵下面哪些内容? A: Why did you do this study? B: What is the gap in knowledge? C: What did you find? D: What do your findings mean?

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      What do researchers hope the latest study can reassure families?