The president will attend the opening ceremony of the (establish) ________ of the free trade zone this afternoon.
- Word FormThe president will attend the opening ceremony of theof the free trade zone this afternoon. A: establish B: establishes C: establishment D: established
- China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (SHFTZ) is the largest free trade zone in China. This is ( ).。( )
- 3. The _____________ Free Trade Zone is the second largest free trade zone in the world. A: Hong Kong B: Singapore C: Colon D: Copenhagen
- Anson won’t attend the opening ceremony on April 23.
- Located at the south of Dongjiang Port of Tianjin Port, adjoining China's largest free trade zone—Dongjiang Free Trade Zone is Tianjin International Cruise Home Port.
- 0
I feel it’s an honour ________ to attend the opening ceremony of the new company.
- 1
中国大学MOOC: The creation of a free trade zone leads to:
- 2
Situated in _____________, the Colon Free Trade Zone is the world second largest free trade zone, after China's Hong Kong. A: Panama B: Germany C: Costa Rica D: Peru
- 3
I feel it’s an honor ______ (invite) to attend the opening ceremony of the primary school.
- 4
Situated in _____________, the Colon Free Trade Zone is the world second largest free trade zone, after China's Hong Kong. A: Panama B: Germany C: the United States D: New Zealand