• 2022-06-12
    Thanksgiving Day in the United States ________
  • is associated with historical event in early times when the pilgrims experienced a hard time in winter


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      请根据短文意思,将相应单词填入括号中。 □families □ harvest □ independence □ picnics □ fireworks □holidays □ July □ roast Two of the most important national______ in the United States are Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day. Independence Day, the Fourth of ______ , marks the United States' declaration of ______ from Britain. Most towns, big and small, celebrate the Fourth of July with parades and ______ . Families celebrate with barbecues or ______ . Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. It is a day when people give thanks for the ______ Most ______ have a large dinner with ______ turkey.

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      When is Thanksgiving in the United States? A: September B: October C: November D: December

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      On Thanksgiving in the United States, families gather and give thanks for the blessing(祝福) of the past year.[1分]

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      The National Day of the United States falls on July 4th each year.

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      中国大学MOOC: The Thanksgiving Day is an important public holiday, celebrated on the __________ November in the United States.