• 2022-06-12
    Part I. Vocabulary and Grammar (每小题2分,共26分)1. How can I concentrate if you_____continually_____me with silly questions?
    A: have... interrupted
    B: had... interrupted
    C: are... interrupting
    D: were... interrupting
  • C


    • 0

      程序分析题(每小题 4 分,共 12 分) 1. 下列语句的执行结果是_______________________。 a = 1 for i in range(5): if i == 2: break a += 1 else: a += 1 print(a)

    • 1

      A: I feel rather sick this morning. I don"t think I can concentrate on the work. B:______ A: How long have you been sick B: How are you feeling now C: Do you have a high temperature D: Vm sorry to heal that and I can"t help you now.

    • 2

      ____ I were you, I would certainly have not done such a silly thing. A: What B: If C: That D: Who

    • 3

      Will you tell me _______ keep fit and healthy. A: how I can B: how can I C: what can I D: what I can

    • 4

      Can you tell me ____ get to the railway station? A: how can I B: what I can C: how I can D: where I can