• 2021-04-14
    The writer started his own business after he graduated from Harvard University.
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      John graduated from Peking University and his major is .

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      Peter graduated from college in June and started his work in the

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      Peter graduated from college in June and started his work in the auto company in August. ______ the interim, he took a trip around the country.

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      Who<br/>taught the writer about literature and writers when he was young?() A: His father. B: His elder brother. C: Some<br/>university graduates in the village. D: A professor from East<br/>China Normal University.

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      F: What university did you graduate fromM: I graduated from Georgian University in America, in Ohio.F: When did you graduateM: I graduated the year before last.F: What degree do you haveM: I got a BA with honors.F: What was your major in universityM: My major subject was Business Management and my minor was English. Which university does the man graduate from(). A: The University of America. B: Georgian University. C: Ohio University.