• 2021-04-14
    11. A: How did the accident happen ? B: You know , it ______ difficult to see the road clearly because it _____ .
  • was … . was raining


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      When exactly did the accident (happen同义词)______ ?

    • 1

      They were late because there was an accident on the road. (强调原因)It was because there was an accident on the road ______ they were late.

    • 2

      If you see a person you already know, how should you greet?If you see a person you know after a short time, you just say "____". But if you see him after a longer time, then you say,"______ ?" or maybe "______ ?"

    • 3

      When you see somebody you know after a short ___________ time, say ‘How are you?’

    • 4

      Never before ______ see such a terrible car accident on the road!