• 2021-04-14
    An idiom differs from a free phrase in that the former is ___ and the latter is not.
  • structurally fixed


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      Comparing<br/>DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase, the only differences is() A: The<br/>former has proof-reading activity, the latter doesn’t. B: The<br/>former requires primer, the latter doesn’t. C: The<br/>former can grow in both 5′→3′ and 3′→5′<br/>direction, the latter can only grow in 5′→3′. D: The<br/>former requires topoisomerase to relief stress, the latter doesn’t.

    • 1

      The idiom “ ______ ” has the same meaning with the phrase “be jealous of”.

    • 2

      Regarding the sample average and the population average, the following is correct ( ) A: Both are random variables B: Both are definite values C: The former is a certain value and the latter is a random variable D: The former is a random variable and the latter is a certain value

    • 3

      The phrase “ 南山 ” in the idiom “ 马放南山 ” refers to Mount Hua ( 华山 ).

    • 4

      The noun phrase idiom, red __________ refers to needlessly time-consuming procedure.