• 2022-06-14
    Which is not correct concerning the Oedipus complex?
    A: a concept of psychoanalytic theory established by Sigmund Freud
    B: a concept of psychoanalytic theory established by Carl Jung
    C: a son’s unconscious sexual desire for his mother
    D: a daughter’s unconscious sexual desire for her father
  • B


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      Freud sees in Oedipus the King the hidden human desire in the unconscious and names it Oedipus Complex.

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      8.The Oedipus complex describes a child’s sexual desire for his _____. A: oppositesex parents B: oppositesex sisters C: oppositesex brothers D: oppositesex siblings

    • 2

      According to Freudian psychology, when a son unconsciously feels sexual desire for his mother, combined with a hatred for his father, he has ______.

    • 3

      Psychoanalytic Approaches to literary study was largely initiated by_________. A: Sigmund Freud B: Jacque Lacan C: Oedipus Rex D: Sophocles

    • 4

      Which of the following cannot be sacrificed in a marriage A: The freedom to have other sexual relations. B: The desire to follow every of one's impulse. C: The will to keep his or her own income. D: The wish to be his or her true sel