• 2022-06-15
    "dys-" in the term dysfunction denotes ____.
  • abnormal; impaired; disturbed


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      名词解释:Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome

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      Sometimes green denotes lack of experience; for example, a “greenhorn” is a novice.

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      The patient with the microcirculatory dysfunction caused by shock is predisposed to DIC.

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      以下求1*2*3......*20的程序正确的是: A: main(){inti,term;i=1;term=0;do{term=term*i;i++;}while(i<=20)<p="">printf("t=%d",term);} B: main(){inti,term;i=1;term=1;do{term=term*i;i++;}while(i<=20)<p="">printf("t=%d",term);} C: main(){inti,term;term=1;for(i=1,i<=20,i++)<p="">{term=term*i;i++;}printf("t=%d",term);} D: main(){inti,term;term=1;for(i=1;i<=20;i++)<p="">{term=term*i;i++;}printf("t=%d",term);}

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      Which of the following is NOT a reaction of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)?