This manual contains operating procedures of the most frequently used basic functions, allowing the machine to immediately be used.
- This manual contains operating procedures of the most frequently usedbasic functions, allowing the machine to immediately be used. A: 本手册包含最常用的基本功能的操作程序,可让你立即使用本机。 B: 本手册主要教你学会一些基本的操作要领,以便你独立操作机器。 C: 本手册告诉你操作程序的一些最基本要领,这样机器就能启动了。
- The<br/>necessary condition for A compiler on machine a to be used directly<br/>on machine B is that the operating system functions of machine a and<br/>machine B are identical.() A: True B: False
- What is most frequently used for quantitative research?
- The most frequently used pattern of a news report is the inverted ____________.
- Which three colors are most frequently used during Christmas? ( )