• 2022-06-15
    Neither rain nor snow can stop postmen from _____ letters and parcels.
    A: spreading
    B: eleasing
    C: delivering
    D: scattering
  • C


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      _______ Lily _______Jack are from American. A: Not, but B: so, as C: Both, and D: Neither, nor

    • 1

      Neither rain nor snow will keep me from going to school. A: 下雨或下雪都不能让我远离学校。 B: 下雨或下雪都不会让我不上学。 C: 无论下雨还是下雪都将阻止我上学。 D: 无论是下雨还是下雪都不能阻止我上学。

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      He ________ after the accident. A: could neither stand nor walk B: neither stands nor could walk C: could neither standing nor walking D: could neither stand nor walked

    • 3

      Atoms can be neither created nor destroyed during a chemical change

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      The total energy is neither increased nor decreased in any process. Energy can be ( ) from one to another, and transferred from one body to another, but the total amount remains ( ). A: transformed, constant B: constant, transformed