• 2022-06-15
    【单选题】[br][/br]The first Incoterms rules were developed and published by the International Chamber of Commerce in 1936 ________
    A: 1930

    B: 1956
    C: 1936
    D: 1929
  • C


    • 0

      黄河大合唱创作时间 A: 1929 B: 1939 C: 1937 D: 1936

    • 1

      The chamber of commerce is an organization of business people that promotes international commercial interests.

    • 2

      The first morden Olympic Games was______. A: to celebrate a religious festival B: held in 1936 C: initiated by an Athenian D: to promote international understanding through athletics

    • 3

      首次提出“分子病”概念的学者是:_______。 A: Linus<br/>Pauling(1901~1994) B: Archibald<br/>Gad(1857~1936) C: George<br/>BeadIe(1903~1989) D: charles<br/>Ford(1912~1999) E: Karl<br/>Landsteiner(1868~1943)

    • 4

      刘易斯在哪年获得诺贝尔文学奖? A: 1930 B: 1901 C: 1925 D: 1936