• 2022-06-15
    You think economic development takes priority over environmental protection, you will say_____.
    A: Poverty is still a serious problem at present in many parts of the world.
    B: Economic development is essential to reducing poverty and improving people’s lives.
    C: Economic development also fuels the development of technology, which will enable us to better protect the environment.
    D: All of the above.
  • D


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      High priority is given to meeting the challenges of economic and environmental development in the region.We __________. (accord)

    • 1

      According to the passage, what should be understood by governments() A: The link between the environment and the economy is not serious enough. B: The two issues of poverty reduction and the environment have often been connected C: Environmental collapse is a result of economic development D: Environmental collapse is affecting the possibility for growt

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      What are the differences between economic growth and economic development?

    • 3

      The key principle of sustainable development ____all others is the integration of environmental, social, and economic concerns into all aspects of decision-making. (underlie)

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      The optimization of financial structure, which will improve economic development, can be achieved by improving the financial service and risk management.