• 2022-06-15
    配置OSPF时,必须要具有的网络区域是( )
    A: area 0
    B: area 1
    C: area 2
    D: area 3
  • A


    • 0

      The leaf area index can be defined as the A: A, green leaf area/yellow leaf area B: B, land area/leaf area C: C. Total green leaf area/land area D: D, yellow leaf area/green leaf area

    • 1

      下列关于网络中OSPF 的区域(Area)说法正确的是?

    • 2

      According to the situation and the route, which activity area is the reading area next to? A: Intelligence area B: Construction area C: Performance area D: Role-play area

    • 3

      VBA中用实参m和n调用函数过程Area(a,b)的正确形式是().A:Area a,bB:Area m,nC:Call Area(m,n)D:Call Area(a,b) A: A:Area a,b B: B:Area m,n C: C:Call Area(m,n) D: D:Call Area(a,b)

    • 4

      为了适应大规模网络需要,并使得路由收敛得更快,OSPF将一个自治系统划分为若干个更小的范围,叫做区域(Area)。在OSPF动态路由配置中,必须有()。 A: 区域 0 B: 区域 1 C: 区域2 D: 区域 3