• 2022-06-15
    Which of the following is not a work by Ezra Pound
    A: “In a Station of the Metro"
    B: The Cantos
    C: Tribute to Freud
    D: Confucius
  • C


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      中国大学MOOC: Which is not true about Ezra Pound?

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      The author of the work Dombey and Son is ______. A: Charles Dickens B: Henry James C: Robert Lee Frost D: Ezra Pound

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      Which of the following is not the work of Confucius? A: Book of Rites B: Book of Music C: Book of Odes D: Book of Beauty

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      Among the following writers , who belong to "The Lost Generation" A: Ezra Pound B: Rober Frost C: Ernest Hemingway D: Thedore Dresie

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      Ezra Pound was brought up in Pennsylvania