• 2022-06-15
    Which of the following statements about Francis Bacon is NOT true?
    A: Francis Bacon gave to his first volume of English papers the title Essays
    B: Francis Bacon’s essays are formal and pithy.
    C: Francis Bacon wrote in the same style as Montaigne
    D: Francis Bacon was noted for an aphoristic mode of writing
  • C


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      Which of the following is the work of Francis Bacon A: Utopia B: Paradise Lost C: Songs of Innocence D: Essays

    • 1

      _______________ has been regarded as a very important milestone in the development of English prose literature. A: Essays by Francis Bacon B: Faustus by Christopher Marlowe C: The Advancement of Learning by Francis Bacon D: The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kid

    • 2

      Francis Bacon is best known for his ______.

    • 3

      Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe Francis Bacon's essays?( ) A: powerful B: vigorous C: conservative D: fresh

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      Which quote is said by Francis Bacon?