• 2022-06-15
    If there is a shortage of any product, prices of that product usually _____________.
    A: will go up
    B: goes up
    C: go up
    D: would go up
  • C


    • 0

      It was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply ____. A: gave up B: closed up C: stood up D: treated up

    • 1

      11-3Sorry, as the demand for the machines is ( ) , we don’t produce that kind of machine. A: go down B: going down C: go up D: going up

    • 2

      There are other problems which I don’t propose to ________ at the moment. A: go into B: go around C: go fo D: go up

    • 3

      Go to a sidewalk cafe, order coffee, and —— the atmosphere. A: soak up B: breathe in C: suck up D: tak in

    • 4

      Only human beings the gift of speaking. A: are fed up with B: go through with C: put up with D: are endowed with