• 2022-06-09
    He was unable to attend because he had a dinner engagement that evening.
    A: assuming an obligation
    B: a mutual promise to marry
    C: sharing in the activities of a group
    D: none of the above
  • A


    • 0

      Sensei had fallen in love with Ojosan before he invited K to live with him. Why didn’t he ask Ojosan to marry him? A: Because Sensei’s love to Ojosan was not enough for him to marry her. B: Because he couldn’t totally trust Okusan and Ojosan. C: Because of his own poverty and low self-esteem. D: Because Sensei wanted to focus on study, he didn’t consider about engagement.

    • 1

      Will the man attend the birthday party? A: Yes, he will, because he is free that day. B: Yes, he will, because he likes dancing. C: No, he won't, because he has planned a trip to the mountains. D: No, he won't, because it's too faraway.

    • 2

      Why did the boy have to walk home A: Because he had no money. B: Because he had only a little coin. C: Because he liked to walk.

    • 3

      —Steven had nothing for breakfast this morning, ?—No. Because he had a fever. A: hadn't he B: had he C: didn't he D: did he

    • 4

      He had a bad cold, __________ he didn’t attend the meeting.