• 2022-06-09
    程序输出什么?List<String> tools = new ArrayList<>();tools.add("hammer");tools.add("nail");tools.add("hex key");System.out.println(tools.get(1));
    A: hammer
    B: hex key
    C: nail
    D: 以上都不是
  • C


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      智慧职教: It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses the tools that _____.

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      In Para. 4, “organizational tools” are _______. A: tools that people use to calculate(计算) numbers B: tools that help people plan and/or arrange so that something is successful or effective C: tools used to manage a group of people who are doing something D: tools used in schools to help students share their personal interests

    • 2

      输出下列程序的运行结果:&lt;?php$x="";function add(){global $x;$x=$x."aaaa||";}add();add();echo $x;?&gt;

    • 3

      The key to studying English well is to make English-learning matters fun and enjoyable through the right tools and______________.

    • 4

      It’s time you ________ (figure out) which tools will help you get the job done.