• 2022-06-10
    What is the main principle to be observed in following the procedures______
    A: Flexibility
    B: Strictness
    C: Practicality
    D: Understanding
  • A


    • 0

      Which of the following is NOT to explain the methods? A: What is the research design? B: What materials and techniques did the research use? C: What statistics did the research analyze? D: What procedures did the research follow?

    • 1

      Which of the following is not the insurance principle? ( ) A: principle of indemnity B: principle of fortuity C: principle of insurable interest D: principle of subrogation

    • 2

      ‍Which of the following factors is not a basic principle of venture capital? ‍‍‍ A: The principle of effectiveness B: The principle of rationality C: The principle of control D: The principle of legality

    • 3

      This book will show the readers________________ can be used in other contexts. A: how that they have observed B: that how they have observed C: how what they have observed D: that they have observed

    • 4

      The book will show the readers ______ can be used in other contexts. A: that how have they observed B: how that they have observed C: that they have observed D: how what they have observed