• 2022-06-09
    While following a lecture, you can try key words, symbols and abbreviations in your notes to save time and catch up with the speaker. ( )
  • 内容

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      While taking notes we should_________? ( ) A: record the keywords or phrases not entire sentences. B: take down every word of the speaker. C: use keyword outline. D: use some abbreviations, symbols, and signs when necessary.

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      Hurry up or _____________________. A: you can get there on time B: you will miss the train C: you can catch the bus D: you will catch the plane

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      Try to answer the question according to your understandingHow do you take notes when meeting unknown words?

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      What do you think the speaker will discuss in the rest of the lecture?[音频]listen to Part 2-5 of the lecture and make notes on page 34. Before you listen to each part of the lecture, check that you understand the meaning and pronunciation of the words in the boxes.please take notes on Part 2 : policy; measure(n); politically sensitive

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      Which of the following does a teacher want his/her students to develop if he/she guides them to take notes using key words, abbreviations and symbols? A: A. Cultural awareness B: B. Language skills C: C. Learning strategies D: D. Language knowledge