• 2022-06-09
    The way of listening for gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning is called
    A: bottom-up
    B: top-down
    C: interaction
    D: listening
  • B


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      中国大学MOOC: It involves a process of listening teaching in which listening for gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are emphasized.----Choose the one that best suits the description above.( )

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      It involves a process of listening teaching in which listening for gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are emphasized.---- Choose the one that best suits the description above.( ) A: Socio-constructivist theory B: Learnability C: Predicting D: Production practice

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      In the bottom-up model, ________. A: teachers don't have to deal with new words before the listening B: listening comprehension is believed to start with sound and meaning recognitions C: background knowledge is needed before the listening D: listeners should have a long-term memory

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      In a listening activity, students are asked to note down the time and places of events. The__________aim of this activity is to develop the skill of A: istening for gist B: listening for vocabulary C: listening for structure D: listening for specific information

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      3. Skimming is the sub-skill of listening and it is listening for ______. A: details B: specific information C: gist D: attention