• 2022-06-10
    3. ______________ was very active in the cause of American Revolution and gained the title of “The Father of American Revolution”
    A: A) Benjamin Franklin
    B: B) Thomas Paine
    C: C) Philip Freneau
    D: D) Thomas Jefferson
  • B


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      The following are the founding fathers of the American Repubic except ______. A: George Washington B: Thomas Jefferson C: Willian Penn D: Benjamin Franklin

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      The following are the founding fathers of the American Republic except ______. A: George Washington B: Thomas Jefferson C: Willian Penn D: Benjamin Franklin

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      , Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson were largely influenced by the Enlightenment and political writings after American Revolution.

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      Who was considered as the “Poet of American Revolution”? A: Michael Wigglesworth B: Edward Taylor C: Anne Bradstreet D: Philip Freneau

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      Who are not considered as the “Poet of American Revolution”?( )。 A: Walt Whitman B: Philip Freneau C: Anne Bradstreet D: Edward Taylor