• 2022-06-10
    The theme of this novel highlights Hawthorne’s display of the oppression against human being’s physical passion under the reign of New England Puritanism.
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      because it’s against the _____________of the human being.

    • 1

      Hawthorne’s artistic techniques and features of works can be summed up in the term ____. A: Romance B: Realism C: Puritanism D: Experimentalism

    • 2

      The theme of Washington Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle” is __________. A: the conflict of human psyche B: the fight against racial discrimination C: the familial conflict D: the nostalgia for the unrecoverable past

    • 3

      Under the reign of King James I & VI, England and Scotland was united into one kingdom.

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      Human’s health mainly includes physical health and mental health.