保证类预订的英文表述为( )
A: Confirmed Reservation
B: Advanced Reservation
C: Guaranteed Reservation
A: Confirmed Reservation
B: Advanced Reservation
C: Guaranteed Reservation
- "电话预订"用英文怎么说? A: make an internet reservation B: make a call reservation C: make a face-to-face reservation D: make a reservation through e-mail
- Update Reservation是指取消预订。
- 保证类预定(Guaranteed Reservation):即客人保证前来住宿,否则将承担经济责任,宾馆不能随便将房间让给其他客人
- The process of dinner reservation includes calling to make a dinner reservation, telling the detailed information about the dinner reservation and confirming.
- Which of the follow types of booking, the hotel must have been charged with a process fee A: Phone reservation B: Central Hotel Reservation (CHR) booking C: Mail reservation D: Property to property reservation