• 2022-06-10
    In India, people eat with their right hand.
  • 正确


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      In India, it's common to eat with your fingers, but it's essential only to use your_____ hand. A: left B: right C: either D: both

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      Your right hand is the ______ of your left hand.

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      You’re meeting someone in India, and your first impulse is to shake hands. However, your right hand is not very clean. What should you do? A: Explain the situation B: Wipe off your right hand before offering it. C: Offer your left hand.

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      中国大学MOOC: In India, its common to eat with your fingers, but its essential only to use your_____ hand.

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      The first and second beats of waist-twining step are same. Beat the drum with the right hand and then the left hand.