• 2022-06-10
    As a representative of the ______, Alexander Pope was one of the first to introduce rationalism to England.
    A: Renaissance
    B: B. Rationalism
    C: Enlightenment
    D: D. Romanticism
  • C


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      As a representative of the Renaissance in England, ________ was one of the earliest and most eloquent spokesmen for experimental science.

    • 1

      Alexander Pope is a representative of Classic school.

    • 2

      1. Romanticism fights against the ideas of ______. A: realism B: Renaissance C: Enlightenment D: feudalism

    • 3

      Benjamin Franklin best represents the spirit of the _____ in America. A: Enlightenment B: Renaissance C: Realism D: Romanticism

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      The Canterbury Tales is the representative work of _________. A: Christopher Marlowe B: John Milton C: Geoffrey Chaucer D: Alexander Pope