• 2022-06-10
    There will be no charges for “overdue” e-books, because once your borrowing time is up, the title will ____ be available on your device.
    A: no longer
    B: no more
    C: no sooner
    D: no better
  • A


    • 0

      ______ English you practice, ________ your English is. A: More; the better B: The more; the best C: The more; well D: The more; the better

    • 1

      With an up to date resume ready as an options you may feel better at your job because ______. A: it is up to you to choose between two alternatives B: you are to do wonders in your work C: it seems to be the only positive attitude D: you have made a decision on your own

    • 2

      time to roll up your

    • 3

      When you use e-mail, you may ________ . A: type your letter on the screen and then send it down the telephone line to another person B: have to pay more because e-mail is much faster than a postal service C: have to pay more if your message is going to a more distant land D: have to wait longer if your message is going to a more distant land

    • 4

      innocent explict preclude stem from precocious feed into highlight filter outlaw fret doll up sultry overdue face up to backdrop assimilate at the extremeYou need to pay a fine, because your library book is ____________.