• 2022-06-14
    The word "hemorrhoids" means _______________.
    A: excessive secretion of bile
    B: resembling liver
    C: enlarged veins in the intestinal tract
    D: enlarged veins in the anus or lower rectum
  • D


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      The clinical manifestations of TEN include ____? A: Fever. B: liver injury. C: enlarged lymph nodes. D: vesicles. E: necrotic exfoliation of epidermis.

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      When the liver is enlarged, palpation should pay attention to the following( ) A: Size B: texture C: Edge and surface condition D: tenderness E: Pulsating tremor

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      It's called if a manafacturer achieves lower costs due to the enlarged production capacity of the whole industry. A: internal economies of scale B: externaleconomies of scale C: overlapping demand

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      The enlarged scale of Ⅰ and Ⅱ must be identical if they are represented by partial enlarged views.(True or False: 10 points)[img=602x189]1803a0cfb7aec6e.jpg[/img]

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      The aortic valve keeps the blood moving from veins to the heart.