4个盗窃(thief) A,B,C,D中有一个盗贼下面逻辑表达式,与表达“C说:D哥是我的好兄弟,我俩肯定没干这事儿。”表达的意思相同的有:
A: thief != 'D'
B: thief != 'D' || thief != 'C'
C: thief != 'D' && thief != 'C'
D: thief == 'A' || thief == 'B'
A: thief != 'D'
B: thief != 'D' || thief != 'C'
C: thief != 'D' && thief != 'C'
D: thief == 'A' || thief == 'B'
- 4个盗窃(thief) A,B,C,D中有一个盗贼下面逻辑表达式,与表达“A说:嗯,这个事情吧,肯定不是D,也不是B,自然也不是我。我什么也没说啊。”表达的意思相同的有: A: thief != 'D' && thief != 'B' && thief != 'C' B: thief != 'A' && thief != 'B' && thief != 'D' C: thief == 'C' D: thief != 'D' && thief != 'B'
- 下面逻辑表达式,与表达A表达的意思相同的有: A: thief != 'D' && thief != 'B' && thief != 'C' B: thief != 'A' && thief != 'B' && thief != 'D' C: thief == 'C' D: thief != 'D' && thief != 'B'
- 4个盗窃(thief) A,B,C,D中有一个盗贼下面逻辑表达式,与表达“是A干的。如果不是A,就是B。如果还不是,就是C。”表达的意思相同的有: A: thief == 'A' B: thief == 'B' C: thief == 'C' D: thief == 'A' || thief == 'B' || thief == 'C'
- __________ the thief ______ by the police.
- What happened to the shop in one month A: The police caught the thief within three months. B: The police had still not managed to catch the thief three weeks later. C: The police caught the thief three weeks later.