• 2022-06-14
    The last sentence in the passage means that we don't know how to ________.( )
    A: find an effective way to reduce trash
    B: reuse and recycle trash
    C: take care of our environment
    D: move to Mars
  • D


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      How did the woman find her way home A: She was sick. B: Her car was stolen C: We don’t know.

    • 1

      Thedifficult part of realizing our dreams is that _______. A: we don’ t know how to plan B: dreams such as becoming Vice President in five years are impossible to fulfill C: our dreams are too big D: most of us don’ t know where to begin working on our dreams

    • 2

      We should learn to take care of ourselves. You know, we can't ____ our parents forever. A: stay away from B: keep in touch with C: depend on D: decide on

    • 3

      3R管理理念中的3R是指 A: Reduce、Reuse、Recycle B: Reduce、Reuse、Replace C: Reuse、Recyle、Refine D: Reduce、 Replace、 Reduce

    • 4

      What can we learn from the passage? A: People are unable to solve the current environment issues. B: People should take effective actions to prevent turtles’ extinction. C: Our descendants will figure out the right way to save the turtles. D: Human beings caused and witnessed the extinction of dinosaurs.