• 2022-06-14
    The main purpose of the text is to show______.
    A: self-awareness at different levels
    B: importance of identity
    C: the best self among selves
    D: aspects of self-perception
  • D


    • 0

      Write down at least 5 words with "self" that can show Americnas'character.

    • 1

      class Student: def __init__(self,n="xxx"): self.name=n def show(self): print(self.name)s=Student("yyy")s.show()结果 A: yyy B: xxx C: None D: 错误

    • 2

      class Person:def __init__(self,n="xxx"):self.name=nclass Student(Person):def __init__(self,s="male"):self.sex=sdef show(self):print(self.name,self.sex)s=Student("female")s.show()结果: A: xxx male B: xxx C: 结果错误 D: xxx female

    • 3

      以下程序的输出结果是()。 classA: deffun1(self):print("fun1A") deffun2(self):print("fun2A") classB(A): deffun1(self):print("fun1B") deffun3(self):print("fun2B") b=B() b.fun1() b.fun2() a=A() a.fun1() a.fun2()

    • 4

      The diesel engine must be started before it can run by it self For this purpose () has to be used.