• 2022-06-14
    were they expecting? A valuable parcel of diamonds. 
  • What


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      The paradox of value is illustrated by the fact that A: a pound of bread is cheaper than a pound of gold. B: teens buy designer jeans. C: if diamonds were free they would no longer be useful for engagement rings. D: gold and diamonds occupy little space.

    • 1

      The man pulled out a gold watch, _( )___were made of small diamonds. A: the hands of whom B: whom the hands of C: which the hands of D: the hands of which

    • 2

      __________your valuable help,we couldn’t have finished the experiment ahead of time. A: If it were not for B: Had it not been for C: Were it not for D: If it has not been for

    • 3

      How valuable were the MATLAB exercises in the course? A: 10 - Very valuable B: 9 C: 8 D: 7 E: 6 F: 5 - Neutral G: 4 H: 3 I: 2 J: 1 K: 0 - Not valuable at all

    • 4

      Have you received the parcel? /........................... by you? A: Has the parcel been received B: Have the parcel been received C: Have the parcel received