• 2022-06-14
    You should regard language as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check grammar) and _____ up the car engine (adjust vocabulary).
    A: exclaim
    B: tune
    C: scratch
  • B


    • 0

      From the author’s point of view, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check ) and tune up the car engine (adjust ).

    • 1

      From the author’s point of view, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check ) and tune up the car engine (adjust ). A: vocabulary; grammar B: guide book; gear C: grammar; vocabulary D: gear; guide book

    • 2

      Perhaps, language should be looked _____ as a road map and a<br/>valuable possession: often study the road map and tune up the car<br/>engine. A: upon B: like C: for D: into

    • 3

      Language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable ______. A: posture B: possession C: possibility D: positive

    • 4

      Perhaps language should be ________ as a road map and valuable possession.