• 2022-06-14
    A: brother
    B: father
    C: friend
    D: nephew
  • A


    • 0

      I came across a ______ on the street yesterday morning. A: friend of my father's B: friend of my father C: my father's friend D: father's friend

    • 1

      Mr. Black is a ______. A: my father’s friend B: a friend of my father C: a friend of my father’s

    • 2

      Don't you know he is an old friend of ______ A: my brother B: my brothers C: my brother's D: my brother's friend

    • 3

      Sorry, I don't know he is a friend of ________ A: your brother B: your brothers C: your brother's friend D: your brother's

    • 4

      ______ telephoned yesterday evening. A. My father’s friend B. My father friend C. A friend of my father’s D. A friend of my father