• 2022-06-14
    (condensed) Due to an emergency, the president had to ____ his speech to half its original length.
  • condense;


    • 0

      In his speech, he _____________ that the UN should set up an emergency center for the environment.

    • 1

      If the coefficient of equivalent length of the long column is doubled, the critical pressure of the column will be ( ). A: Doubled B: Increased by 4 times C: One half of the original D: A quarter of the original

    • 2

      How does the president open his speech? ( Unit 1 Text A)

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: Its impossible to make an informative speech about concepts vivid and attractive due to its abstraction.

    • 4

      The mayor decided to _____ his speech in order to leave enough time . A: condensation B: condemn C: condense D: condensed