• 2022-06-14
    In the first part of Gulliver's Travels, Gulliver told his experience in ___________.
    A: Lilliput
    B: Brobdingnag
    C: Houyhnhnms
    D: Laputa
  • A


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      Which of the following places does Gulliver visit last? A: Brobdingnag B: Lilliput C: Houyhnhnmland D: Laputa

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      Which of the following places does Gulliver visit second? A: Brobdingnag B: Lilliput C: Houyhnhnm land D: Laputa/Flying Island

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      Which of the following places does Gulliver visit last?( ) A: Laputa/Flying Island B: Brobdingnag C: Lilliput D: Houyhnhnm land

    • 3

      What are the representative works of the 18th -Century English Literature? A: The Canterbury Tales; Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience and Gulliver’s Travels B: Beowulf; The Canterbury Tales ; Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience C: Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience and Gulliver’s Travels D: The Rape of the Lock ; Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience and Gulliver’s Travels

    • 4

      In Gulliver’s Travels, the Houyhnhnms are _________. A: brutish humanlike creatures B: intelligent horses C: dwarves D: giants