• 2022-06-12
    Travel offers you a chance to practice your working ability.
  • 错误


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      Social activities give you the _____________to practice and develop your social skills. A: capacity B: chance C: opportunity D: capability

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      你应该抓住这个宝贵的机会磨练你的专业技能。() A: You should catch this good opportunity to practice technological<br/>skills. B: You should seize this precious opportunity to hone your professional<br/>skills. C: You must grab this good chance to practice your major skills. D: You should seize this priceless chance to improve your professional<br/>knowledge.

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      If you take volunteer work, you have a chance to ____ . A: get promoted in your current job B: practice skills needed for your work C: become familiar with your workplace D: work with people from different areas

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      You should have _________ in your ability to succeed.

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      As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will enhance your ability to think __________.