• 2022-06-12
    n. a person who operates the controls of an aircraft, especially as a job
    A: pilot
    B: pitch
    C: ribbon
    D: pluck
  • A


    • 0

      Applicant A: A person who gets the job B: A person who gets sacked from a job C: A person who is applying for something

    • 1

      An entrepreneur is a person who forms and operates a business.()

    • 2

      To operate safely in IMC, a pilot controls the aircraft relying on ______, and ATC provides separation. A: instruments B: senses C: visual cues D: experience

    • 3

      A ______ is someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight. A: vet B: pilot C: driver D: soldier

    • 4

      n. a person who is in charge of sth, especially an officer in charge of a particular group of soldiers or a military operation A: compass B: campaign C: commander D: commerce