- 由于你方向我们提出的索赔涉及两点,所以我们建议一个一个地分别处理。 A: I hope you can take it easy. I have to find out what caused the problem. B: We have received your fax filing complaint with us. C: If the problem was caused by us, we’ll pay for your loss. D: As the claim you lodged with us involves two points, I propose to take them up one by one.
- “蝴蝶”属于( )个汉字( )个语素。 A: 两,一 B: 两,两 C: 一,一 D: 一,两
- 平面内一个点有( )个自由度,平面内一刚片有( )个自由度。
- 由于组合体有长、宽、高三个方向的尺寸,所以每个方向至少有一个尺寸基准。
- 小明在纸上画了一个点子图,如图,一共有____个点。