• 2022-06-11
    There was everything from simple piano to a full orchestral finish. (为划线的单词选出正确的词性和意思)
    A: adj. 昂贵的
    B: adj. 管弦乐队的
    C: adj. 温暖的
    D: adj. 音乐的
  • B


    • 0

      So-called roads of national importance were designated, but they were mostly small country roads. (为划线的单词选出正确的词性和意思) A: adv.这样看来 B: adv.所以;因此 C: adj.如此称呼的;号称的 D: adj.一样的,相似的

    • 1

      Smoking is detrimental to his health.该句划线部分的意思是? A: adj. 有益的 B: adj. 不重要的 C: adj. 无关的 D: adj. 有害的

    • 2


    • 3

      通情达理的 adj _____________

    • 4
