• 2021-04-14
    Readers may discover the general-to-specific pattern by identifying
  • the general statement that describes the subject;the sub-points that explain the subject in detail.the main subject for discussion;


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      In the simple two-part formula, it is obvious that one part is __________ and the other part refers to __________.( ) A: the specific example…the general statement B: the general statement…the specific example C: the general statement…the strong argumentation D: the strong argumentation…the general statement

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      Generally speaking, deduction is from general to specific, and it has strong power of proving, while induction is from specific to general, and it has a strong power of persuading.

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      Paragraphs are composed of both general and specific sentences.

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      How to make your general language specific?

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      Any terms we agree to differ ____these conditions can be stipulated in the Specific Conditions without amendment to the General Conditions because the Specific Conditions supersede the General Conditions.