• 2022-06-12
    Function words are words that are used to serve grammatical functions, thus are also called grammatical words.
  • 正确


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      Which type of words has ordered and regular series of grammatically different forms? A: closed-class words B: function words C: variable words D: grammatical words

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      The repetition of words or its synonyms is called _____. A: lexical coherence B: grammatical coherence C: grammatical reference D: lexical bundles

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      13. Words may fall into __________ and functional words by notion. ( ) A: derivational words B: content words C: compound words D: grammatical words

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      Judge the grammaticality of the sentence.Those strings of words conform to the syntactic rules are called grammatical sentences.

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      Grammatical words express grammatical meanings; conjunctions, prep, articles, and pronouns.