The Girls'Day is also called Doll's Day.
- ____________________ is also called National Day.? Independence Day|Thanksgiving Day;|Christmas|May Day;
- Boxing Day is also called __________.
- Unlike Children's Day, the Girls' Day is not a national festival.
- Easter Day is also called Easter Sunday.
- A Beautiful Day It's a beautiful day. It's a very nice day. It's a ______ day. It's a ______day. It's _____. It's _____. The skies are _____. There are _____ in the trees. And there's _____ here. It's a beautiful day in any weather, So let's sing a beautiful song. It's a beautiful day when _______. And __________, There's ___________. And _____________. It's a beautiful day in any weather. And it's going to be a beautiful night.