• 2021-04-14
    What is organized crime?
  • Organized crime refers to criminal organizations that have financial gain as their goal. They are often multinational and engage in various crimes such as drug trafficking, prostitution, and gambling.


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      What kind of crime was Daniel Dantas convicted of according to the passage A: A crime quite experienced and tactful. B: A crime by operating at the middle place. C: A crime attempting to temper police to work for him. D: A crime in money-laundering.

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      What determines the degree of punishment in matching his crime?

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      What are the differences between the environmental approach and the social approach to crime prevention?

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      1.One of the reasons why Mexico did not succeed in preventing organized crime by crime control is ________. A: federal police lacked capability to intervene effectively B: national police increased capacity to prevent C: cartels controlled public service D: US intervention against private sector

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      What is the best way to get things organized and to feel satisfied according to the passage?